Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Chapter 7 - Konden Diara

Traditions, traditions, cultures' and beliefs.
We all live with them and we all live by them.

In this chapter it discusses a tradition which is a ceremony that examines a boys courage and strength.

In Layes culture they have a ceremony where the boys are selected to face Konden Diara a half lion and half human, a part of the tradition and culture. It was a ritual with a series of multiple tasks lead by elders to signify the becoming of being adults. This test and tasks took place in the woods before Ramadan (holy month in islam) the boys were chosen to undergo the transition from being boys to men/adults.

" it is a test, a training in hardship, a rite; the prelude to a tribal rite" (page 109)

Camaras father had given him advice and told him not to be afraid and that he must control his fears, he also said that he himself has also gone through this before.
After the tasks were done, they realized that Konden Diara was not real, and did not exist.
The chapter ended with Camara hitting a moment of realization and ending it with these lines;

" But nothing would remain of the trial by fear and his own baser nature. Nothing would remain of the necessary preparation of the painful tribal of circumcision. But at the moment of writing this, does any part of the ritual survive? The secret... Do we still have secrets ?"

these lines also show Camara's curiosity and his mind questioning many situations

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